National Organizing Committee

National Organizing Committee

National Organizing Committee Chairs

Dr. Maycira Costa

Professor, Department of Geography
Director, Spectral Remote Sensing Research Laboratory
University of Victoria


Dr. Maycira Costa is a Full Professor in the Department of Geography and the director of the Spectral Remote Sensing Research Laboratory at the University of Victoria. Costa has a BSc in Biological Oceanography, an MSc in Remote Sensing, and a PhD in Geography. Her research uses satellites to monitor ocean ecosystem dynamics, specifically ocean productivity, nearshore habitats, including kelp and eelgrass, and relationships with the marine food web and economically and culturally significant Pacific salmon. Maycira uses optical and SAR satellite data, UAVs, aerial photos, vessels of opportunity, and Indigenous knowledge to address societally relevant questions at large spatial and temporal scales. Her work heavily relies on strong collaboration with academia, government, not-for-profits, industry, coastal communities, and First Nations. Maycira also has served as an adviser in satellite missions to the Japanese Exploratory Space Agency, the European Space Agency Ocean Colour initiatives, the Brazilian Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency.

Dr. Patrick Martone

Past President, Phycological Society of America
Professor, Botany Department & Biodiversity Research Centre
University of British Columbia


Dr. Patrick Martone is a professor and phycologist in the Botany Department at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Research in his lab focuses on the biology and biodiversity of seaweeds: from cell wall chemistry and tissue development, through ecophysiology and evolution, to ecology and community structure. Patrick is passionate about teaching the wonders of seaweed, inspiring hundreds of students at UBC and the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. He also developed a mobile app for iPhone and Android called the “Seaweed Sorter” that helps beachcombers identify more than 125 seaweed species in the NE Pacific. Patrick is the Past-President of the Phycological Society of America.

Dr. Laura Wegener Parfrey

Canada Research Chair, Protist Ecology
Associate Professor, Department of Botany and Zoology
University of British Columbia


Laura Parfrey is a Canada Research Chair in Protist Ecology at the University of British Columbia, Canada.  Research in the Parfrey lab aims to understand how symbiosis shapes the ecology and evolution of microbes. Using a combination of surveys, manipulative experiments, and data synthesis, the Parfrey lab has made significant strides toward understanding the ecology and evolution of microbial communities associated with hosts, especially on kelp and other macroalgae. We are testing the assumption that ecological distribution data is useful in the development of probiotics using kelp as a model system, and our work highlights the central role of functional redundancy in microbial community assembly. We aim to use this knowledge to predict how changing environmental conditions will alter symbiotic relationships and understand how these host-associated microbes impact host and ecosystem health.

National Organizing Committee

Erin Bremner-Mitchell, Cascadia Seaweed
Secretary; Chair – Marketing Committee; Chair – Social Committee

Jennifer Clark, Cascadia Seaweed
Chair – Scientific Program Committee

Kylee Pawluk, Senior Aquatic Plant Specialist at the Province of British Columbia 
Indigenous Engagement Lead

Soroush Kouhi, Ocean Networks Canada 
Ocean Networks Canada Representative

Catriona Hurd
Past Chair and ISAC Representative

Stephen O’Leary, Team Lead, Algal Genomics & Synthetic Biology at the National Research Council of Canada
Scientific Program Committee

Alan Critchley, Verschuren Centre 
Scientific Program Committee