Call for Abstracts, Mini-symposia and Workshops

Call for Abstracts, Mini-symposia and Workshops

The International Seaweed Symposium 2025 invites the submission of abstracts, proposals for mini-symposia and workshops starting May 5th 2024. Submissions are welcome from all sectors – academia, associations, industry, nonprofits and the broader user community of seaweeds. We will be accepting abstracts, mini-symposia, workshops on themes including:

  • Bioactives and human health
  • Biofuels
  • Biostimulants
  • Cosmetics
  • Extraction and purification
  • Feed ingredients
  • Functional foods
  • New applications of phycocolloids
  • Rare Earth minerals
  • Seaweeds as biofilters
  • Seaweeds as feed
  • Seaweeds and wastewater treatment
  • Seaweed extracts in agriculture
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Solutions
  • Carbon uptake and allocation
  • Climate-driven changes in seaweed distribution/biogeography
  • Genomics and breeding to enhance e.g. thermal tolerance
  • Mechanisms of acclimation and adaptation to global change
  • Multiple drivers of change
  • Physiological and molecular responses to global change
  • Refugia from climate change
  • Chemical ecology
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Fertilization and dispersal
  • Introduced seaweeds
  • Local environmental change (e.g. eutrophication, pollution)
  • Macroalgal blooms (green tides, Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt etc)
  • Microbiome/Holobiome
  • Ocean acidification
  • Pathogens/disease in natural and farmed systems
  • Population and community ecology
  • Restoration
  • Seaweed-herbivore interactions
  • Best practices to expand seaweed in gastronomy
  • Seaweed as a source of natural flavours in innovative foods
  • Seaweed acceptance and introduction into food habits
  • Seaweed in food cuisines around the world
  • Showcasing seaweed in markets and restaurants
Indigenous Knowledge
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Traditional uses of seaweed
  • Seaweed in Indigenous art
  • Seaweed in Indigenous gastronomy 
  • Seaweed cultivation, harvesting and aquaculture
  • Seaweed monitoring, management and stewardship
Seaweed Aquaculture
  • Breeding, elite strain development, and seedstock production
  • Diversity of seaweeds in Canada
  • Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA)
  • Impacts of aquaculture on natural seaweed populations/ invasive species
  • Major farmed seaweeds
  • Offshore, open ocean and land-based culture
  • Storage, processing and biorefinery
  • Sustainable harvesting of wild populations
Regulatory Frameworks for Industry and Restoration
  • Area-based management, governance and socio-economics
  • Balancing industrial development with ecosystem protection in regulations
  • Carbon accounting and forensics
  • Canada’s mosaic of seaweed regulations
  • Environmental regulation of reproduction
  • Permitting practices - the good, the bad, the ugly
  • Seaweed regulations for carbon dioxide removal
  • Seaweed standards & regulations
  • Wild harvest regulations
Taxonomy, Diversity and Evolution
  • Seed banks to protect seaweed diversity
  • Coralline algae
  • Biogeography
  • Ancestral character state reconstruction from multi-gene phylogenies; evolution of novelties in seaweeds
  • Phylogenomics of the seaweeds, and the evolution of organelles
  • The diversity and physiological challenges of cryptic seaweed species


  • All abstracts must be submitted through the ISS25 Online Portal no later than the abstract submission deadline of October 8, 2024.
  • Abstract submissions may be in the form of an oral or poster presentation.
  • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Individuals are allowed to submit up to a total of 5 abstracts.
  • Each abstract submission will be limited to a maximum of 12 authors.
  • For each presentation type, only one presenter will be allowed.
  • Length: 250 words, not including title, authors, author affiliation and abstract text.
  • Standard abbreviations and acronyms may be used without prior definition, but all non-standard terms must be defined where first used in the text.
  • The submitting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and approve the submission.
  • All submissions will be acknowledged by email sent from [email protected]. If you do not receive an email, please make sure your abstract is not in “draft” mode and indeed submitted (the status will change to “submitted”) or check your junk mail folder. For any questions related to your submission, please contact the speaker management team by email [email protected].
  • No changes can be made to abstracts after the October 8, 2024 abstract submission deadline. 
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee and presenting authors will be notified of presentation type, acceptance, and session theme by email sent from [email protected] in November 2024. Presenting authors will be reminded to register at this time.
  • All presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered participants.
  • The ISS25 Speaker Management team must receive the presenter’s registration by the Early Registration Deadline (January 13, 2025) to ensure the inclusion of the abstract in the meeting publications and the program schedule.

Mini-Symposia proposals

Mini-symposia will be 2 hours, and includes the chair and 5-6 presenters. Presenters will stay as a panel for discussion at the end of the mini-symposia. The chair will be responsible for submitting the topic and theme. Once the theme has been submitted, the chair will need to notify the presenters to submit their abstracts to the appropriate mini-symposia.

  • Mini-symposia submissions will close September 8, 2024, after which mini-symposia will be reviewed and notifications of submission sent out by mid-Sept. If the mini-symposia is not accepted, there is an option for abstracts to be considered for an oral or poster session in the theme selected in mini-symposia.
  • The mini-symposia format is for presenting related papers on a single topic.
  • Length: 250 words, not including title, authors, and affiliations.
  • Mini-symposia abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • The mini-symposia abstract should contain the objective(s) of the mini-symposia and a concise description of each presentation in narrative form.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used undefined, but non-standard abbreviations must be defined. Arabic numerals should be used for numbers except when beginning a sentence.
  • The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered and paid participants. Registration must be received by the Secretariat by the Early Registration Deadline (January 13, 2025) to ensure inclusion of the abstract in the meeting publications and in order to be scheduled for presentation.


All workshop proposals need to be submitted through the ISS 2025 Online Portal by October 8, 2024.

  • Workshop proposal should be 250 words should include objectives, learning outcomes and workshop description.
  • Workshops must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee and organizers will be notified of by email in November 2024.
  • All organizers and participants must be registered and paid participants of the International Seaweed Symposium.
  • Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee and organizers will be notified by email sent from [email protected] in November 2024.